... is a project by Swiss artist Fanny Zihlmann, who travels alone as a diabetic with her bycicle for five months across various European countries. She documents in various ways what it's like to travel solo as a diabetic, highlighting both the stumbling blocks and opportunities, and demonstrating that it's possible.
In the different countries, she profiles artists with chronic illnesses and their work.
We can look forward to what emerges from this endeavor!
Insights into the process can be found on the blog. Enjoy!


Fanny Zihlmann, born in 1995, is a freelance artist in the fields of theater, dance, circus, and clowning. Mainly active in Switzerland but also abroad. After her working as a healthcare professional, she subsequently studied theater with a focus on theater pedagogy at the Zurich University of the Arts. Type 1 diabetes has been part of her life for 24 years. "I wish for courage for those affected and their relatives. My diabetes is neither a friend nor an enemy; it simply belongs. Learning to be my own role model and experiencing firsthand what is possible is part of my journey. I want to report honestly and unvarnished on what it entails when I, as a diabetic, plunge into an adventure where not everything is predictable."
If you want to learn more about Fanny's work, visit
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